
全球 电子游戏正规平台ers Advancing Catholic Education (G.R.A.C.E.) is an international research-based partnership offering academics and everyone interested in a new, integrated and revitalized approach to Catholic education the opportunity to collaborate in the analysis of the challenges and opportunities facing Catholic schools. 

  • 爱尔兰圣母无玷学院, 电子游戏软件 in the United States
  • The University of Notre Dame in Australia
  • St. 伦敦玛丽大学
  • The International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) in Rome

G.R.A.C.E. lecture series is a monthly webinar on a topic of interest to Catholic schools around the world. This webinar will be presented by a panel of academics and 电子游戏正规平台人员, with each partner rotating the organization of various talks. G的首要目标.R.A.C.E. lecture series is to share scholarship and increase dialogue with international colleagues committed to Catholic education.

刊物及媒体报道 & 事件

这里我们将列出出版物, 视频, media events and reports related to Catholic Education by 电子游戏正规平台人员 associated with the G.R.A.C.E. 倡议. 如果你和G有关.R.A.C.E. and would like to link to any of your publications here, please contact denise.morris@eatingfish.net.

全球 Catholic Education Report 2022 (OIEC)

全球 Catholic Education Report 2023 (OIEC)

G.R.A.C.E. 实践共同体

Strengthening Catholic education in the current situation, and above all in a Post-Covid19 environment, 需要有创意, 综合反应, 也是思想领袖的平台, 教育工作者, theologians and 电子游戏正规平台人员 to gather, encounter and engage these tensions in new ways. Academic conferences have long been popular forums of sharing scholarship and voicing ideas. While these are respectable scholarly arenas in academia, their structure limits the ways in which participants can learn and engage together.

Through the establishment of a 全球 实践共同体, GRACE’s holistic approach seeks to foster a familial humanism among participants, 新兴的学者和圣贤. Such relationships help participants notice and respond to the presence of grace, fostering both personal and professional transformation. Participants bring their scholarship and faith to bear on select themes and topics through round-table and virtual conversations, 非正式的话语, 以及反思性讨论.

G.R.A.C.E. 实践共同体 is designed to influence three domains of the field of Catholic education:

  • 认知: the theoretical and conceptual base of Catholic education;
  • 情感: the formative qualities and experiences that shape the Catholic educator and scholar;
  • 行为: the adoption of new understandings which influence the practice of being a Catholic educator and scholar in promoting social justice, while enhancing one’s capacity to foster a ‘culture of dialogue’ towards a global common good.

通过这些特殊的方式, GRACE hosts a ‘culture of encounter’ (Pope Francis) where people gather, learn from and grow with one another, contributing to the common good and living a sustainable manner.

The 实践共同体 is for everyone interested in a new, integrated and revitalised approach to Catholic education: teachers, 牧师, 父母, 电子游戏正规平台人员, 既有学者和新兴学者, 以及思想领袖. In the early stages of the project the focus is on the UK, Ireland, North America and Australia. In its second phase, the project will be actively seeking partners in the 全球 South.

If you are interested in participating in a 实践共同体, please email the Roche Center at catholic@eatingfish.net and write "实践共同体" in the subject line. We will be in touch with you regarding these quarterly conversations!

全球 电子游戏正规平台ers Advancing Catholic Education (G.R.A.C.E.) is an international research-based partnership between 电子游戏软件 in the United States, the University of Notre Dame in Australia, 爱尔兰圣母无玷学院, St. Mary's University London, and now the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC) in Rome. Project lead coordinators from each University and OIEC are listed below.



琳达克兰利,高级讲师 & Co-ordinator, Bed (Primary), University of Notre Dame Australia

Dr. 卡罗琳·希利, Lecturer in Educational Leadership and Management, St Mary’s University, London

Dr. 约翰·莱登, Programme Director, Catholic School Leadership, St. 伦敦玛丽大学

Dr. 迈克尔·奥康纳, Director of 专业发展 and Outreach, 罗氏天主教教育中心


Dr. 克里斯汀•罗宾逊幼儿教育 & 护理 Senior Lecturer, University of Notre Dame, Australia

Dr. 昆汀Wodon, International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC)

Dr. 旋律Wyttenbach, Executive Director, Roche Centre for Catholic Education, 电子游戏软件


记录G.R.A.C.E. 讲座